White jade yoni eggs

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White jade yoni eggs

Starting out on your journey to a holistically healthy female reproductive system? The best way to start is by using our White Jade yoni eggs. White Jade, also called "mutton-fat" is one of the most valuable types of Jade, which are commonly found in the White Jade river in Khotan, Xinjiang, northwestern China. In the majority of the country's history, Jade is highly prized and praised.

The main properties of White Jade yoni eggs include healing and stability. Specifically, these yoni eggs protect the user by blocking away any negative energy and negative vibrations from entering the body. The White Jade yoni eggs also emit cleansing and calming auras, which can help relieve you of any anxieties that you may be feeling, or any other emotional trauma that is developed by fear. Bringing peace, harmony, and good luck, they help you in making decisions, as they block away most if not all distractions, giving you a better understanding of yourself.

Because of their powerful healing properties in the spiritual and mental health, the White Jade yoni eggs can also aid in the improvement of the user's mental capacity by helping her attain a closer connection with the different stages of the body's intellectual parts. It doesn't stop there, the yoni eggs also help in establishing concentration and clearing of the thoughts, empowering all the senses of the body.

For the physical healing properties, our White Jade yoni eggs can help in assisting the body to heal itself, especially aiding to those with kidney or bladder problems, arthritis, joint illnesses (particularly in the hips), fluid retention, high blood pressure, and imbalances in the blood sugar levels.

Make sure that your yoni eggs are thoroughly cleaned in a natural liquid soap and air-dried. Boiling the egg for 3-10 minutes before and after use works well also.

The white Jade yoni eggs are best for those with zodiac signs of Capricorn, Cancer, and Virgo.

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